Nouvelle recherche

I am a young MD-PhD in clinical onco-hematology actually working as a haematologist in the Institut Paoli-Calmettes in Marseille France. My clinical work is turned toward the care of lymphoma patients. My scientific work is focused on the understanding of the complex biological mechanisms leading pre-tumoral B cells to follicular lymphoma. To achieve this goal I work on patient’s samples and witha murine model mimicking follicular lymphoma pathogenesis. More specifically, I work in close collaboration with biologists and bioinformaticians from Sandrine Roulland and Bertrand Nadel's laboratory in Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille Luminy to fully exploit single-cell genomic approaches in order to answer our biological questions. The ultimate goal is to provide robust rationales for targeting relapsing lymphomatous cells in order to develop innovative therapeutic approaches.

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